The London 7/7 Bombings: A Murder Investigation

Browsing Posts published by NK

My new post on Veterans Today is doing very well. It’s an old article of mine but at last its time has come. During the life of the 9/11 truth movement in the UK, no-one was allowed to enquire about Israel’s role. That would have been highly ethically-damnable. But now, has the time come, when we may be allowed to discuss the question of who, primarily, perpetrated 9/11? Jim Fetzer has smartened up the article, and put in some videos. continue reading…


Former Senior Intelligence Analyst for Suth Yorkshire police Tony Farrell has sent this letter to his local Council. It alludes to Article 15 of the Terrorism Act 2000 [TACT] which states: 15 Fund-raising.  (1)A person commits an offence if he— (A) Invites another to provide money or other property, and (b) Intends that it should be used, or has reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used, for the purposes of terrorism. continue reading…


New 7/7 video


New video ‘Kollerstrom and Farrel are Dead’ :

Kevin West’s new film has been specially made to mark the 7th anniversary of the 7th July 2005 London bombings. It includes some of the new footage released by the sham Enquiry into the bombings held in 2010/11 and the subsequent release of more disinformation about what is supposed to have happened that day. continue reading…


Hitherto unseen video footage of the Tavistock Square bus explosion shows a smart black Jaguar right behind the bus, in the immediate aftermath. Its number plate shows three letters followed by ‘1,’ but its too blurred to read.

The program was a BBC-2 rehash of the 7/7 story for the 7th anniversary. As a program it covered the suffering of the victims and families, but did not ask any questions.

 Of the many images of Tavistock Square on that fateful morning, none have ever shown this Jaguar before – have they?. Over the next few days you can visit BBC iPlayer and watch it, at 1 hour 7 minutes into the program. What do you think? Is this the same Jaguar that appeared to rendez-vous with the alleged bombers at Luton car-park at 6 am that morning? Why have we not been shown any images of this car before?

The number-plate of the form ‘XXX – 1’ suggests some VIP owner.

You can also see the white Kingstar van right beside the bus, in this video-sequence.



Checkout this video just made by Paul Joseph Watson (a UK rep of Alex Jones’ ‘Prison Planet)  http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=51588   about how the BBC is trying to rope him into participating in a new ‘conspiracy’ program about the London Olympics.

My article ‘Israeli Terror Threat to London Olympics’ went up on the Truthseeker on the 28th, then the BBC’s decision to make this program seems to have been made IMMEDIATELY after that – with PJW putting up this video about it on the 30th. continue reading…


TERROR ON THE TUBE: Behind the Veil of 7/7 ­ An Investigation by Nick Kollerstrom Progressive Press, Joshua Tree, CA, 2011 (3rd ed., expanded and updated) ISBN 978-1-61577-737-2 (353pp tpb) Available: www.ProgressivePress.com

“In what must be the most definitive account so far of what happened in, and who was responsible for, the London bombings of 7 July 2005 (7/7), long-time activist Nick Kollerstrom punches holes in the “official narrative”, presenting details that will shock anyone who has trusted the authorities’ version of events. This was no Islamist terrorist attack, interestingly timed to coincide with a G8 meeting. The so-called terrorists had been recruited as part of a “drill” unaware that they were being used as patsies. continue reading…


Richard Hall’s new theory

I was invited to the Vancouver 911 truth event on June 2012, and gave a paper on this topic.

A startling new theory by Richard D. Hall has kind of answered the impossibly difficult question: what really went into the Second Tower on the morning of 9/11? He has been examining this question for a few years using 3-D modelling. Many have turned away in despair from this excruciating question.

A few days after posting up his ‘9.11 Flight 175 Rada Data 3D Analysis’ , twelve pages of debate quickly burgeoned on the James Randi skeptics forum.

Radar Flight Data

RH ascertained that two different sources of radar data recorded the incoming path of what was allegedly the Boeing 175, impacting into WTC-2 at 9.02 am. (1) One source was civilian radar, the other military. They diverged, apparently making two separate paths about 1400 feet apart. The civilian radar trace went into the Tower, the other missed it. continue reading…


“David Davis, the shadow home secretary, has urged Home Secretary Reid ‘to think again … whether deliberately or not, the government have not told the British public the whole truth about the circumstances and mistakes leading up to the July 7 attacks’.”The Guardian

Author Nick Kollerstrom
Author Nick Kollerstrom


My book, Terror on the Tube, Behind the Veil of 7/7′ aims to open up some degree of public debate over who perpetrated the London bombings, and why they might have done it.

It is far from evident that we have been given any proper answers to this grave question. This site includes additional information, updates and news of recent July 7th developments as the investigation continues. Collectively, we have to use our powers of reason. If we don’t do this, then what Goya described in his painting will assuredly happen: ‘When Reason Sleeps, Monsters are Born.’

‘When Reason Sleeps, Monsters are Born.’

Politicians want to control you through fear, and so they need ways of invoking fear-and-terror, as told so well in the BBC trilogy, ‘The Power of Nightmares’. The best way to avoid this, in my view, is through well-informed thought and collective discourse. Shocking though some of my conclusions may be, we must not flinch from reaching them if they are warranted. In my youth, I would never have believed that the Powers that Be could do such things! I was working as a science historian at UCL adjacent to Tavistock Square, where the July 7th bus bomb went off. It seemed to me, as someone who has lived in London for most of his life, that my training as a science historian was relevant and could be useful for investigating this quite technological type of crime.

continue reading…


I’m on Rich Planet on 9th of March with an interview about The Sinking of the Belgrano, as we’re coming up to the 30th anniversary of this big moment in Thatcher’s Britain if you recall. Richard Hall can always zoom in with highly relevant and discerning questions. www.richplanet.net/ and maybe see also www.belgranoenquiry.com   That’s Sky 201 for you lucky people having Sky TV. continue reading…


FBI’s nation-wide stable of patsies can be switched “live” at any moment
by Tony Cartalucci

February 18. 2012 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has once again proven that the only thing Americans need fear, is their own government, with the latest “terror attack” foiled being one entirely of their own design.USA Today reports that a suspect had been arrested by the FBI who was “en route to the U.S. Capitol allegedly to detonate a suicide bomb.” While initial reports portrayed the incident as a narrowly averted terrorist attack, CBS would report that a “high ranking source told CBS News the man was “never a real threat.”” The explosives the would-be bomber carried were provided to him by the FBI during what they described as a “lengthy and extensive operation.” The only contact the suspect had with “Al Qaeda” was with FBI officials posing as associates of the elusive, omnipresent, bearded terror conglomerate. The FBI, much like their MI5 counterparts in England, have a propensity for recruiting likely candidates from mosques they covertly run. continue reading…
