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9/11 topics
Media Attacks on British Academic for 9/11 Truth
Beatles PID
A Double-Identity Beatle?
A Very English 9/11 Mystery
Paul and his doubles
The Sage of Quai judgement
‘The COVID-19 Virus does not exist’
5G: A Safe level? Confusion over Units
A real effect?
Breaking News!! UK mortality since CV crisis is 5% BELOW average
Care Home Carnage
CoronaVirus Scare
CV Icke interview
Lung deaths well BELOW average during CV crisis
Prediction of ‘Chinese virus’ story by Project Avalon
The Coronavirus Act
The Vaccine: Our Impending Doom
Two to the power of forty: the C0VID Hoax
WHO simulation Exercise: two of them!
2015 Bataclan concert: did it happen?
2015 ParisTerror, by Whom?
2015 Paris Hit by State-Fabricated Terror
2015 White Male Killer in Paris
2014 Ukraine: 777 and state-fabricated terror
2014 MH17 Shootdown Enigma
2014 ‘I Shot MH17’ claims Su-25 pilot
2013 The Woolwich Terror Hoax
2013 Did Lee Rigby exist?
2013 ‘Lee Rigby’ – a Mother’s story
2011 False-Flag Terror in Norway?
2011 Police Collusion in Norway Terror Attacks
2011 Timeline of the Anders-Breivic Norway attack
2011 Key to the Oslo-Breivik Mystery
2009 Constructed Terror, on Christmas Day
2009 Euro-police Terror Report
Inquest into Dawn Sturgess’ death
Skripal’s Cat
Towards the Zombie Apocalypse
7/7 Articles
Electric Detonation of the Trains
Tafazel Mohammed – Handler of the Four?
7/7 EMP Hypothesis
The ‘Rape’ of Rachel North
The Appeal of Tony Farrell – Dismissed for his 7/7 advice
The British Army’s FRR Go Through The Looking-Glass?
CCTV: Did police search Luton before King’s Cross?
The Fate of Khan
Magic Numbers and Synchronous Detonations rule out Suicide Bombers
The Jaguar at Luton
7/7: Practice Makes Perfect
Tribute to ‘Postman Patel’
Muad’Dib and Ripple
Towards a 7/7 Inquest?
Entering Luton Station
BBC vs Ripple – an academic view
Muslim Terror Trials in the Wake of 7/7
Truth from the Daily Mail
MI5 use of Torture, in Quest for the London Bombings mastermind
Inquest articles
7/7 Inquest: Was someone afraid to reveal the causes of deaths?
7/7: what went bang?
Germaine Lindsay and the Piccadilly Line blast
Lisa French and the Tavistock Square blast
The phantom image of Khan and the moveable crater
‘War On Terror’ Enterprises Inc. brings you ‘The Singing Babar’
The Last Minutes of Hasib Hussain
The Aldgate Blast
7/7 Inquest: Government offers new (still unbelievable) version of train times
Germain Lindsay at King’s Cross
Letter to Lady Justice Hallett
A No-Body Murder Trial
Can a song be a Crime?
Israelis attack USS Liberty – fifty years on
Notes on the Thomas Mair Case
Wrong definition of Anti-semitism
Yes We Did Go to the Moon
Cameron: 7/7 truth = terrorism
No Tax for War
Sandy Hook: analogies with the London Bombings
The Undead of Sandy Hook
They Stole His Heart – Fate of the Boston Patsies
How the Sandy Hook Massacre went down
Police state surveillance arrives
THEY STOLE HIS HEART – Fate of the Boston Patsies
Did ‘Satanic’ Powers Conspire to Perpetrate 7/7?
Operation Kratos and the De Menezes Assassination
MI5 Pressure on British Muslims
of crime and race
The Heathrow Liquid Bomb Hoax
The Phantom Menace
The enigma of Israel embassy bombing, London 1994
The enigma of Israel embassy bombing, Argentina 1992
London and Bali bombs – a Comparison
Little Old England
Murdoch, phone hacking, NOW, over 7/7 anniversary
Treacherous behaviour from Daniel Obachike
Help on the 7/7 story from Keith Mothersson
77 Films
Adm Curtis film ‘Hypernormalisation’
Ian Crane videos
7/7 Films Index
Talks by Author (NK)
Book Reviews
A Song for Jenny by Julie Nicholson
For the Love of Anthony by Marie Fatayi-Williams
Gladio – by Richard Cottrell
Out of the Tunnel by Rachel North, 2007
Progressive Press Books
Syria Gas hoax – Mark II
The Little Drummer Girl by John Le Carré
The Suicide Factory – abu Hamza and the Finsbury Park Mosque
Unethical Books
Morning Star Reviews ‘Terror On the Tube’
The Books of Wisdom
The London Bombings by Nafeez Ahmed
The Terrorist Hunters by Andy Hayman
The London 7/7 Bombings: A Murder Investigation
9/11 topics
Media Attacks on British Academic for 9/11 Truth
Beatles PID
A Double-Identity Beatle?
A Very English 9/11 Mystery
Paul and his doubles
The Sage of Quai judgement
‘The COVID-19 Virus does not exist’
5G: A Safe level? Confusion over Units
A real effect?
Breaking News!! UK mortality since CV crisis is 5% BELOW average
Care Home Carnage
CoronaVirus Scare
CV Icke interview
Lung deaths well BELOW average during CV crisis
Prediction of ‘Chinese virus’ story by Project Avalon
The Coronavirus Act
The Vaccine: Our Impending Doom
Two to the power of forty: the C0VID Hoax
WHO simulation Exercise: two of them!
2015 Bataclan concert: did it happen?
2015 ParisTerror, by Whom?
2015 Paris Hit by State-Fabricated Terror
2015 White Male Killer in Paris
2014 Ukraine: 777 and state-fabricated terror
2014 MH17 Shootdown Enigma
2014 ‘I Shot MH17’ claims Su-25 pilot
2013 The Woolwich Terror Hoax
2013 Did Lee Rigby exist?
2013 ‘Lee Rigby’ – a Mother’s story
2011 False-Flag Terror in Norway?
2011 Police Collusion in Norway Terror Attacks
2011 Timeline of the Anders-Breivic Norway attack
2011 Key to the Oslo-Breivik Mystery
2009 Constructed Terror, on Christmas Day
2009 Euro-police Terror Report
Inquest into Dawn Sturgess’ death
Skripal’s Cat
Towards the Zombie Apocalypse
7/7 Articles
Electric Detonation of the Trains
Tafazel Mohammed – Handler of the Four?
7/7 EMP Hypothesis
The ‘Rape’ of Rachel North
The Appeal of Tony Farrell – Dismissed for his 7/7 advice
The British Army’s FRR Go Through The Looking-Glass?
CCTV: Did police search Luton before King’s Cross?
The Fate of Khan
Magic Numbers and Synchronous Detonations rule out Suicide Bombers
The Jaguar at Luton
7/7: Practice Makes Perfect
Tribute to ‘Postman Patel’
Muad’Dib and Ripple
Towards a 7/7 Inquest?
Entering Luton Station
BBC vs Ripple – an academic view
Muslim Terror Trials in the Wake of 7/7
Truth from the Daily Mail
MI5 use of Torture, in Quest for the London Bombings mastermind
Inquest articles
7/7 Inquest: Was someone afraid to reveal the causes of deaths?
7/7: what went bang?
Germaine Lindsay and the Piccadilly Line blast
Lisa French and the Tavistock Square blast
The phantom image of Khan and the moveable crater
‘War On Terror’ Enterprises Inc. brings you ‘The Singing Babar’
The Last Minutes of Hasib Hussain
The Aldgate Blast
7/7 Inquest: Government offers new (still unbelievable) version of train times
Germain Lindsay at King’s Cross
Letter to Lady Justice Hallett
A No-Body Murder Trial
Can a song be a Crime?
Israelis attack USS Liberty – fifty years on
Notes on the Thomas Mair Case
Wrong definition of Anti-semitism
Yes We Did Go to the Moon
Cameron: 7/7 truth = terrorism
No Tax for War
Sandy Hook: analogies with the London Bombings
The Undead of Sandy Hook
They Stole His Heart – Fate of the Boston Patsies
How the Sandy Hook Massacre went down
Police state surveillance arrives
THEY STOLE HIS HEART – Fate of the Boston Patsies
Did ‘Satanic’ Powers Conspire to Perpetrate 7/7?
Operation Kratos and the De Menezes Assassination
MI5 Pressure on British Muslims
of crime and race
The Heathrow Liquid Bomb Hoax
The Phantom Menace
The enigma of Israel embassy bombing, London 1994
The enigma of Israel embassy bombing, Argentina 1992
London and Bali bombs – a Comparison
Little Old England
Murdoch, phone hacking, NOW, over 7/7 anniversary
Treacherous behaviour from Daniel Obachike
Help on the 7/7 story from Keith Mothersson
77 Films
Adm Curtis film ‘Hypernormalisation’
Ian Crane videos
7/7 Films Index
Talks by Author (NK)
Book Reviews
A Song for Jenny by Julie Nicholson
For the Love of Anthony by Marie Fatayi-Williams
Gladio – by Richard Cottrell
Out of the Tunnel by Rachel North, 2007
Progressive Press Books
Syria Gas hoax – Mark II
The Little Drummer Girl by John Le Carré
The Suicide Factory – abu Hamza and the Finsbury Park Mosque
Unethical Books
Morning Star Reviews ‘Terror On the Tube’
The Books of Wisdom
The London Bombings by Nafeez Ahmed
The Terrorist Hunters by Andy Hayman
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Ripple Effect
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Tavistock Square
7/7 Articles
March 20, 2010
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| Written by José Rodriguez about 7 years ago.
Paul is ALIVE!!!
Viva Paul!!!
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