Hitherto unseen video footage of the Tavistock Square bus explosion shows a smart black Jaguar right behind the bus, in the immediate aftermath. Its number plate shows three letters followed by ‘1,’ but its too blurred to read.

The program was a BBC-2 rehash of the 7/7 story for the 7th anniversary. As a program it covered the suffering of the victims and families, but did not ask any questions.

 Of the many images of Tavistock Square on that fateful morning, none have ever shown this Jaguar before – have they?. Over the next few days you can visit BBC iPlayer and watch it, at 1 hour 7 minutes into the program. What do you think? Is this the same Jaguar that appeared to rendez-vous with the alleged bombers at Luton car-park at 6 am that morning? Why have we not been shown any images of this car before?

The number-plate of the form ‘XXX – 1’ suggests some VIP owner.

You can also see the white Kingstar van right beside the bus, in this video-sequence.

