On January 29th, intrepid investigator Richard D. Hall will attend a preliminary hearing of his case at the High Court in London. The case concerns his in-depth researches over the Manchester arena alleged-bombing on 22 May 2017. They are seeking to take out an injunction, to prevent him from being allowed to give evidence when his main trial comes up next year. Don’t miss this gripping saga as the Imperium thinks it can crush RDH and discovers that it can’t! The charge against him is harassment – not defamation or libel – brought by Mr Hibbert and his daughter, who claim to have been next to ‘the terrorist’ when the bomb went off; whereas RDH in has book and various videos has expressed doubt over whether they were even in the building that night.
A pyrotechnic device did really go bang in a foyer adjacent to the main arena, however it did not contain any shrapnel. Hibbert’s daughter did not have a bolt of shrapnel go right thru her skull, in one side and out thru the other, after which she made a miraculous recovery.
If Mr Hibbert is claiming to have been defamed, why is there no charge of defamation made against RDH? Most of the main characters or plotters involved in the fabricated-terror events of that day could likewise claim they had been defamed – as RDH has shown in detail exactly what they were doing, as well as the extensive interviews of the alleged families who lost ‘loved ones’ – the 22 allegedly killed that night, published in his book. No-one is suing for defamation because then the Court would then have to listen to all of RDH’s evidence, as to how the entire operation was a set-up job. Whereas a charge of harassment can, they reckon, be made, because the opinions expressed by RDH are disconcerting! Well ,maybe it is the business of an investigative journalist to be disconcerting.
He has been careful to avoid making definite claims and to merely be putting out his opinions.
To brush up on what really happened at the Ariana Grande concert in the Manchester Arena, checkout the last chapter of my book ‘False Flags over Europe’ : ‘Fake terror at Manchester arena, 2017.’
The main problem he will have in this case, is that Mr Hibbert sitting in his wheel chair does look and sound very credible.
Once this court case began, Amazon removed RDH’s 400-page book ‘The Night of the Bang’ despite its having gained a load of five-star reviews.
This Manchester arena event is of historic importance as being the climax of European state-fabricated terror events this century, in nearly all of which Muslims were demonised. Truly this has been the main art-form of the 21st century and has ratified the bombing of a load of Islamic nations. This sequence started off with real terror, where people were killed, then later transitioned into mere fake terror done with actors, dummies and fake blood: the Manchester event being of this kind. Abruptly, after 2017, it was all over, as a new enemy appeared to be demonised – Russia, yes big, bad Russia was back in the cross-hairs again. And so the illusory image of ‘Islamic terror’ vanished.
By bringing the argument into the High Court, RDH is raising the debate to a whole new level, whereby media pundits and newspaper hacks may find themselves obliged to give us of their wisdom on this matter.
richplanet.net, click ‘Manchester ‘Attack’