The London 7/7 Bombings: A Murder Investigation

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Britain’s popular conspiracy-paranormal program Rich Planet was taken off the air last year, following one single anonymous complaint. It claimed to be distressed by an interview about the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby, that Richard Hall did with me.

richard h

So Richard Hall lost his slot on Sky 199 with Information TV. Over four hundred people have written in to OFCOM to complain about this decision. continue reading…


Old Bailey Trial

The public can sit in the gallery of this trial, as I did today Tuesday 2nd December. Its quite a gripping experience, with the two accused sitting in a huge glass cage and various testimonies being read out or spoken, about what witnesses saw at 2.15-2.20 pm in that street, Artillery Place. Their accounts started off with their seeing a ‘crashed car’ and the two black men outside the car, plus a dummy-like figure on the pavement, who initially had his back against the wall . (NB you may wish to check over my original story here). They then saw both of these men hack the body with knives, ‘frenzied stabbing,’ one with a butcher’s cleaver.

No sound came from the victim. We never heard whether he was alive or dead.

Quite a crowd of people gathered round and were filming on their mobile phones (peculiar that we have not seen any of these pictures?)

Gill Hicks saw the car crashed into a road sign. That was the initial setup, I did not gather that  any witness claimed to have seen it happen.

One witness, while stopping to see this horror, noticed a ‘line of traffic behind him in the rear-view mirror.’  That is what one would expect on this busy road, but my impression was an absence of traffic in all pictures of that event.

A witness described seeing a lot of blood on the pavement – as one would expect. Again, there was a problem with ground-shot images failing to show any trace of blood. (See eg first image here, or first image here)

Mr Gary Perkin described how a brave woman tried to ‘comfort’ Lee Rigby while he was lying in the road. One would have thought he was beheaded (and therefore thoroughly dead) by then, so this is straining our credulity. No one questioned Mr Perkin to clear up this most obvious anomaly. It should be further noted that no adversarial questioning of any witness took place at this trial today

Moving the Goalposts?

The goalposts seems to have moved since the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby was reported back in May – suggesting a different location of the death. Media-amnesia seems to be prevailing at this Old Bailey trial, in relation to the original version.

crossing road continue reading…


The site ‘no disinfo.com’ seems to have this story well sussed: http://nodisinfo.com/Home/23920/

For media hype regarding the ‘white widow’ aka Samantha Lewthwaite, widow of Germaine Lindsey, we quote from a Karen Brothers article, continue reading…


A Syrian fake gassing claim, clearly using actors, is being used to try and kickstart WW3, with the usual ‘Axis of Evil’ UK/US/Israel behind the ploy. The Syrian government had well defeated the ‘rebels’ – or rather, hired mercenaries – and a 20-strong UN team had just arrived to investigate allegations of gassing by the Syrian government. Without intervention we may presume this team would soon have concluded that there was no truth to the stories of the Syrian government having gassed its own people –  whereas there is fairly clear evidence of the US supplying chemical weapons to the ‘rebels.’ continue reading…


Richard D. Hall, Britain’s top paranormal investigator, has thrilled audiences with his wide-ranging and fearless investigations, over the last three years when he has been on Sky TV. However, it seems that a single anonymous ‘complaint’ is enough to have his Rich Planet TV removed from his Sky 191 Channel slot, on Showcase TV. continue reading…


At the last meeting of the Kent Freedom Movement, June 27th, speaker Mark Windows commented upon the Tony Farrell Report,  released last April. His comments were as expected fairly critical.

The Report is centred upon the person of Ms Charles Seven. That is the name she is registered under in the Borough of Westminster. At a Mayday demo, she was claiming to know who had perpetrated the London bombings of 2005. Beneath that video she has helpfully written:

7/7 was in reality a media mafia ritualistc satanic witch hunt vendetta to psychologically torture, terrify and paralyse me into not bringing my evidence to court exposing conspiracy to defraud and murder by way of widespread racketeering of trillions using stolen intellectual property and other highly sinister activities from 2003 onwards.

Uh-huh. She is claiming the event was somehow done for her benefit. continue reading…


The “next governor of Nevada” David Long Van der Beek has warned about what he claims is a planned terror event at the forthcoming National Scouts Jubilee in July. 

For his text, see:  http://nevadagovernor2014.com/national-scout-jamboree-2013-false-flag-insider-warning-nevada-governor-2014-david-lory-vanderbeek/ continue reading…


At 2.50 pm on 22nd May a human torso without blood appeared at a road junction in Woolwich, 200 yards from the Royal Artillery barracks. On the pavement was a crumpled-up car, the  pavement around it being smeared with maybe car oil leaking out. These were certainly impressive props – but, what was the story?


A black man of Nigerian descent, born in South London, appeared to have his right hand smeared with ‘blood’ but none on his shirt and was carrying a machete. He apologised to women for having to witness the dreadful scene. continue reading…


Yet again, the old Strategy-of-Tension fabricated terror continues – this time right before the eyes of a myriad photographers. But will the Empire get away with it?

Here’s a brilliant quote about the terror ‘drill’ planned for that day in Boston: ‘ “The real thing happened before we were able to execute,” a Boston police official told the Boston Globe in the report. The exercise, labeled as “Operation Urban Shield,” was funded by a $200,000 Homeland Security grant. It was planned months before the Boston Marathon, and it was scheduled to ‘take place’ in official capacity this weekend, according to the sources. ‘ Shades of Peter Power!

The Patriot-Day Boston bombs stimulated an open discussion on Fox News, that the FBI likely did it – and comparing the event to the 1993 World Trade Centre explosion! The central role of the FBI in making that happen is well-documented.  ‘Did the FBI have any knowledge of this plot before it happened?’ Fox News asked – and alluded to ‘the practice of the FBI in creating terror-plots.’  The Fox News spokesman is here musing on how a terror-drill constructed by the FBI went live! ‘Is this really making us safer?’ it wondered.

That is a huge change – and shows the SUCCESS of the 9/11 truth movement. To quote Kevin Barrett –  “Whatever the truth about the Boston bombings, it seems that the false-flag meme is infiltrating mainstream discourse. And it isn’t going to go away . . . continue reading…


On Sunday 31 March Tony Farrell gave a fine speech to a group of a hundred or so British Muslims. This is the first time that British Muslims have ever listened to a ‘truth’ talk about the London Bombings, apart from Dr Naseem speaking to his congregation at the Birmingham Mosque.

Here is a ‘trailer’ for what the event was supposed to be but the the speaker on this more religious angle did not turn up.

The aim of Tony’s talk he said was to defend these three statements:

*   An understanding of the events that have shaped the last decade or so in the UK are predicated not so much on facts to be learned but secrets to be discovered.

*  Men and women become accomplices to the evil, they fail to oppose.

*    The price men and women pay for their indifference to public affairs is that they become ruled by evil men. continue reading…
