I’m on Rich Planet on 9th of March with an interview about The Sinking of the Belgrano, as we’re coming up to the 30th anniversary of this big moment in Thatcher’s Britain if you recall. Richard Hall can always zoom in with highly relevant and discerning questions. www.richplanet.net/ and maybe see also www.belgranoenquiry.com That’s Sky 201 for you lucky people having Sky TV.
Also, Jim Fetzer did a 2-hour ‘Real Deal’ radio interview with me about the 9-11 st0ry. He had a cancellation so I got slotted in at short notice! http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/ Wednesday, March 7th: ‘Nine Keys to 911’ – a kind of beginner’s guide. Jim is immensely more learned than I about the subject, but I hope we got a good rap together.
And, wow, I still can’t quite believe it, but I’ll be a speaker at the Vancouver 9/11 Conference, this June. http://www.911vancouverhearings.com/