The London 7/7 Bombings: A Murder Investigation

The Inquest Begins


Lady Justice Hallett

On 6th October, the ‘July 7th Truth Campaign’ submitted a weighty, twelve-part contribution to the forthcoming Inquest. On its first day – October 11th, at the Royal Courts of Justice – this was acknowledged. Before Lady Justice Hallett, the barrister Mr Keith said:

One particular campaigning group has  submitted voluminous submissions to the Inquest team, and the submissions reflect long-held views expressed on the website, that website, to the effect that there are a large number of anomalies that merit detailed attention. We consider it important that such claims are identified and addressed.

Five years after the event, a no-jury pre-fixed Inquest finally begins. An Inquest is supposed to answer basic questions about the deaths: who, how, when and where? But, in this case no legal representatives from the families of the four accused will be allowed. But, they died too did they not? Their absence from this trial, means that it will only be concerned to ascertain the causes of death of the 52 who died on that morning in a pre-ordained manner. continue reading…

An excellent new article by Simon Jenkins in the Guardian 1 Oct on the new orange-alert (be very afraid) terror scare:

In case you missed it, since Monday an “Irish-related” attack on Britain has been “a strong possibility“. At the same time, an al-Qaida attack is “highly likely” and “only a matter of time”. This presumably means one will occur – though, since August 2006, when this alarmist language was first to put us on continuous alert, terrorism has been like mad flu disease, afflicting Whitehall but strangely absent from the nation at large…

Travelling on a First Great Western train nowadays is like entering Guantánamo – a cacophony of repetitive announcements telling passengers to protect their belongings at all times and inform the police if they see anything suspicious. Likewise the fatuous frisking of old ladies at airports, the half-hearted searching of bags in shops, the reams of safety literature pouring from the nation’s printers. It is the white noise of state fear…. continue reading…

Muad’Dib Trial


A date for the Irish Supreme Court to hear Muad Dib’s appeal against the extradition has now been set for the 11th November 2010. It is claimed that he is guilty of an act ‘tending and intended to pervert the course of justice contrary to comon law’ – the Euro arrest warrant avers this. As is well-known, he sent some DVDs from Ireland addressed to the ‘Foreman of the jury’ at the Kingston trial – see section here for more details.

The arrest warrant avers that his DVD may have perverted the course of justice re the trial of the three friends of the Four that was then ongoing at Kingston. But, as he here replies, ‘7/7 Ripple Effect at  no point mentions the three who were then on trial’ – so, the charge is absurd.

He has argued that, in relation to the European Arrest Warrant Act of 2003’s section 37: ‘No crime has been committed. The prosecution is a malicious prosecution, fraudulently and politically motivated.’ continue reading…

Hasina Patel, widow of Sid Khan, has remained silent since her one and only interview with Julie Etchingham on Radio 4. That was in July 2007. Before that, in May 2007, when released from jail (at Paddington Green, where she was kept in solitary confinement – on no charge) she had called for an independent, public enquiry. Remarried and living in Sheffield, she now wears the veil. She has recently asked for legal aid so that she would be able to contribute to the forthcoming 7/7 Inquest.

It is hard to think of any other 7/7 witness whose testimony would be of greater interest – which is why the authorities are keen to put a stop to it. No-one in the years after July 2005 has ever questioned her integrity or honesty. continue reading…

I Was Wrong

Did the Four get up to London on the morning of July 7th? For years I was doubtful – the evidence seemed so dubious, with dodgy photos and no reliable witnesses, that it seemed unlikely. That is the view that Dave Shayler and I argued in the following dialogue, made around the fifth anniversary of the event.

I had been much ridiculed by the BBC in their  ‘Conspiracy Files’ program about 7/7. They asked me if I believed the Four had been up in London that morning and I replied in the negative. They then showed some of the film of Hasib Hussein in London on that morning by way of demonstrating how wrong I was. Well, on 13th October 2010 it finally dawned upon me that they had been right: watching a lot of unedited CCTV of Hasib Hussein pottering around King’s Cross from 8.55 for twenty-five minutes in rush hour, after which he abruptly disappeared from view. The public will never get to see that unedited CCTV – the Met has to blur out all the rest of the image before releasing it, so one only sees Hasib Hussein.

That was the only genuine, unfiddled-with CCTV I’ve seen from the day of 7.7.05. For comparison, we’ve also been shown quite a bit of genuine, unfiddled-with CCTV from June 28th ten days earlier. Watching these video-sequences of Hasib Hussein had quite a big impact upon me: that’s why its worth attending these trials.

The shocking message was – and feel free to disagree with me (I don’t censor letters here, as long as they are on-topic) – the Ripple Effect must have been right after all (Ripple Effect Remains intact).

For the 5th anniversary of 7/7, (or about a week after it) I and Ex-MI5 agent David Shayler went up to Luton station, by the famous railings where the dodgy photo of the Four was taken. One could say that there are only two CCTV images of the Four together on that historic morning – one at Luton at 7.22, the other at King’s Cross at 8.26: both obviously faked and fiddled-with. Dave and I are here mulling over these matters.

Called ‘7/7 revisited,’ it’s in 6 parts altogether. It was filmed by Mark the author of the dynamic new ‘Land of the Free’ website and here is his description of it:

On the anniversary of the 7/ 7 bombings landofthefree.co.uk went to Luton Railway Station with David Shayler and Dr.Nick Kollestrom. In this fascinating series of videos Ex MI5 counter intelligence officer David Shayler and Dr. Nick Kollestrom who wrote the book “Terror on the tube” about the events of 7/7 give their unique insights and address the key points and consequences of the attacks.

Dave Shayler is a major expert on the subject, having starred in the classic early ‘Mind the Gap’ video on the subject.

Two important new videos were released, on July 7th, 2010:

*   A Press TV (Iranian) video, on 5th anniversary (in three parts). Tell your Muslim friends to watch this one! Surely, this is the first significant contribution to the 7/7 debate, where members of the British Muslim community are involved. continue reading…