The London 7/7 Bombings: A Murder Investigation

I have lived here all my life. I have never seen Osama bin Laden come and go from this house

Neighbour living in Abottabad where the alleged OBL shooting took place, 9.5.11

This is about the ninth time a major head of state has announced Osama Bin Laden’s death – as President Obama did on 2nd May, 2011.

On May 2nd & 3rd, all UK newspapers and media outlets without exception were proclaiming his death – never mind there was no body anyone could see, never mind the only dead-OBL photo they could produce was speedily exposed as a forgery, never mind no-one at all around the building he was alleged to have been living in could be found, who would say they had seen him there – no tremour of doubt was permitted!

  continue reading…

The roof neatly lifted off, when the No. 30 bus blew up in Tavistock Square, that morning.  A bit too neatly.

It had been cut.

We can see the cut-line along the base of the upper roof support:

This was discovered by the American Simon Shack, in October 2010 – continue reading…

                    The Inquest heard about three simultaneous underground bomb attacks that were rehearsed in a police terror drill –  one week before the three simultaneous underground bomb attacks actually took place, on July 7th, 2005. Was that just a coincidence? Here’s what they said:

The Inquest hears about the Met’s terror drill called, ‘Hanover’ (July 1-2, 2005)

Q. We know from the documents which have been disclosed to us in these proceedings, and indeed which are in the public domain, that on 1 and 2 July 2005, Metropolitan Police officers from your Anti-terrorist Branch conducted a table-top training exercise which had at its core an attack on the London Underground. continue reading…

Mohammed Sidique Khan, local hero of Dewsbury, a mentor at Hillside Primary School in Beeston, who had been invited to the House of commons by Tony Benn’s son and whose stepmother had been invited both to Buckingham Palace and Downing Street, Khan who was employed and expecting his second child – how on Earth did he come to be involved in the plot to blow up London on July 7th, 2005?

A plausible conjecture on this matter has been given in ‘7/7: Ripple Effect’, as follows: continue reading…

Daniel Obachike has been claiming for the last four years that he was on the 30 bus in Tavistock Square when it blew up – and he wrote his book The 4th Bomb about it. But, many have been sceptical. His claim has now been vindicated by the Inquest putting him on the lower deck of that bus. See here  how seat number 6 has ‘Daniel Michael Adigwe’ sitting there, that’s his real name. continue reading…


The pantomime season began early this year when a brand new stage production, called the “7/7 INQUEST”, opened at the Royal Courts of Justice. On the afternoon of the 14th of October, a rather plaintive cry of “what do we turn to next, Detective Inspector? “, was heard all around the auditorium, as the normally dependable and confident character-actor, Crown Barrister Hugo Keith, was left bereft of what to do, or say.

Both Hugo, and Detective Inspector Kindness, of Scotland Yard’s Counter-Terrorism Branch, had just spent a great deal of time tracing the progress of the innocent Hasib on CCTV footage through the streets outside King’s Cross Station. Finally, D.I. Kindness announced that they had now reached the last image of Hasib ever recorded. But the trouble was, the young man was no nearer to Tavistock Square – his alleged final destination – at the end of this sequence of digital images, than he was at the beginning. In fact, by walking along the Grays Inn Road he was moving further away than ever! continue reading…

8 March 2011      Muad’dib  (John Anthony Hill) out of jail. After 150 days in Wandsworth jail – for no crime at all. His court hearing is set for May.

6th December 2010

In the gloomy depths of Wandsworth jail, I met a remarkable British visionary.

Anthony John Hill has named himself ‘Muad’Dib’ after the teacher-figure in Frank Herbert’s sci-fi classic Dune. He is the author of what is by far the most influential of 7/7 videos, The Ripple Effect. It was wonderful to meet him, and a rare pleasure to have a chat with someone so deeply versed in the whole 7/7 issue. I brought him some mince pies, but wasn’t allowed to give them to him. But, I was allowed to give him a book, and gave him The Cabbala of Power by Israel Shamir. That would keep him busy, I figured, through the long, lonely hours. continue reading…

Irishman William Walshe was sitting right next to where Tanweer supposedly detonated the bomb, but oddly enough the Inquest has not asked for his testimony.

Shehzad  Tanweer had his rucksack on the floor, standing in the Aldgate tube train, the Inquest heard, by the corner of the second set of double doors though no-one saw him there. He then blew up into about fifty pieces – supposedly DNA-checked! So, how did William Walshe fare, sitting in the seat right next to where the ‘bomb’ went off? continue reading…

Staggering new evidence has emerged from the Inquest, demonstrating that two or maybe three major holes were blown in the floor of the Edgware road coach – and that each one had a man fall into it. Two of those men gave testimonies which we  look at here, while the third slowly died after falling into the hole.

Clear maps provided by the police of the coach, enble us to locate them.

None of these holes are compatible with the alleged position of the suicide bomber. Indeed, we may doubt whether a suicide bomber sitting down with the rucksack on his lap, would make a hole in the floor at all. The holes we shall here examine, are some distance away from the seat where the bomber (‘Khan’) supposedly sat, spaced around the first and second set of double doors. continue reading…

THE PERFECT CRIME had been planned. It would make history, and be the British answer to 9/11. After years of planning, it was ready to go! No-one would ever guess…

It was part of the main sequence of terror-events which have arced across our world in the New Millenium, extinguishing the hope which we had for the new century: 9/11 in New York, the Bali bomb of 2002, the Istanbul bomb of 2003, Madrid railway station in 2004 and then London in 2005: followed by the Mumbai train blasts of 2006. They have served to define the new Enemy  – the phantom menace – and ratify Empire.  

But, two things went badly wrong, for the July 7th event. Both of these simply came out of the blue, continue reading…