Trump was elected President on Monday 19th December at 5 pm., from the Electoral College vote. A few hours earlier, in Berlin at 8 pm, a significant false-flag terror event took place. Plus a Russian ambassador was shot dead on the evening of that same day in Turkey – ie much the same time at the Berlin event*.
The Israeli politician and terrorist expert Shlomo Shpiro spends two hours in the Berlin Christmas market (Breitscheidplatz) the day before the event – planning the event? Ten minutes before the Berlin Xmas event, he was strolling across that same market. ‘Just a coincidence’?
He was sitting on a bus after dusk as a truck (supposedly) raced into the Christmas market and killed numerous people. As a professor at the Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Shlomo explained to the German media that he ‘knows a life of constant fear of attacks.’
This was two days before the Winter Solstice – December 21st.
Currently ‘on a research trip,’ Shlomo almost become a witness to the hitherto most devastating attack in Germany: “I was amazed at the low police presence,” he said in an interview. He had seen “hardly any police officers, hardly security guards.” The fact that there would be an attack in Germany was only a matter of time for him.
In reality- ‘No truck ever went through here, it was reversed back. there is no CCTV footage and footage whatsoever of this truck moving though there’ – from the insightful ‘Peekay Truth’ He notices a prominent Israeli flag amidst the ‘candles of mourning,’ three days after the event.
It would appear that no victims were known or seen: a lorry supposedly careered through a busy market – no-one injured, no dead to be seen, nor any blood.
It remind one of the Nice fake-terror event. Indeed, it was just a re-run. Somebody hired a huge lorry, one more time.
This is one of the best videos, about how the truck backed into the market area and did not drive thru it:
No-one sees the driver get out – his ID conveniently left on the seat, as usual.
Do people still fall for this stuff?
We might at least have expected some dramatically bleeding crisis actors – but we don’t even get that! Not even any dummies on the street.
Sure, ambulances and police cars turn up … after this feebly-staged event.
Or, here are two parents –
One or two blurred-out persons lying on the ground, is that good enough?
Front windows of the truck were all smashed in, unaccountably, plus an absurd Xmas tree stuffed inside the truck – but no driver in sight. ‘Lousy photo-ops.’
‘Another Hoaxathon’ – to spoil your Xmas.
Israeli agents
This reminds us of the Charlie Hebdo event, where Amchai Stein, deputy Editor of the Israeli IBA Chanel ,just happened to be up on the rooftop and all ready to start filming when the street-theatre (a policeman being shot) began. Or of Israeli-Mossad Gutjahr who was present both at Nice and Munich fake-terror events. Or of the five ‘dancing Israelis’ who were all ready to start filming the 9/11 event before it happened. Or of Benjamin Netenyahu who happened to be in London just as the bombs went off on 7/7. They’re always there ….
* For Ole Dammegard arguing how these were connected, and that the Russian ambassador was not really shot, see here.
Fit in with Establishment endeavor to ‘delegitimise’ the new Trump admin. –
8.02 Evening Tunisian truck driver entered a Xmas market – killing 12 injuring around 58 people. Driver escaped, found & killed in Italy a few days later.
Photo early next morning shows no damage, no drop of blood – in a very short distance, a secluded area.
Large steel street bollards would have prevented any big lorry from driving through that area.
By the Kaiser Wilhelm memorial church – only bit of Berlin still standing after the War – an important symbol
Photo shows lorry keeping on the street, does not enter the market.
It obviously reversed into the market, stopping at one of the big steel bollards, right behind the lorry.
No CCTV at all.