The day after the shameful Panorama cover-up, ONS released data for first week of February – total deaths England & Wales is still 50% above seasonal average!
Who is responsible for this mass-murder program?
Where is The Bernician when we need him now – C’mon let’s get this legal challenge on the road!
Total deaths
Week ending Expect (prev. 5 yrs)
Feb 12 15,354 / 10,986 => 40% excess
Feb 5 17179 / 11612 => 48% excess
29 Jan 18448 / 11856 => 56% excess
22 Jan 18676 / 12990 => 44% excess
15 Jan 18042 / 14058 => 28% excess
8 Jan 17751 / 12254 => 45% excess
Vaccinations started in December
Things are not getting better. Over thirty thousand Xs deaths in these first 6 weeks.
Note: I don’t want to sound paranoid but … used to be easy to find the ONS data, you just put in eg ‘ONS weekly deaths 2021’ but of late that doesn’t find it any more does it? They release each week an Excel spreadsheet, that has to be located and downloaded.
I find now one has to put in
then click on the top Excel spreadsheet, etc.
are they trying to hide something? Is someone beginning to sense the horror?
PROOF – in elderly care home in Germany, 31 healthy persons vaccinated, 8 die within 4 weeks.