The situation is not ‘getting better.’ The government is not ‘winning the war.’ All that is happening is that, following the Lockdown, total mortality keeps climbing up and up.
We could start off with this graph from , which is centred on December 8th when Britons started to be given the Jab. It shows ‘covid deaths’ amongst the over 80s trebling, from the month before to the month after. Comparing before before and after it goes from about 130 deaths per week right up to around 400 a week.
Total weekly deaths for England and Wales show a similarly alarming figure: the week ending January 30th has 55% more deaths than expected, i.e. compared with previous years: eighteen thousand compared to twelve thousand. That is a massive excess.
Figure: weekly death totals over the four months October to January in red, compared to expected values in green. Note the dip over two weeks of the festive season – or what used to be the festive season: folks refrain from dying then.
That’s six thousand extra deaths in one week – what could be causing that?
It looks as if the longer the Lockdown continues, the worse things get.
If indeed the vaccine is killing people, that should be easy to ascertain: one would simply compare mortality between persons vaccinated and those un-vaccinated. That, however, is data you will never obtain. Vaccine manufacturers have a long history of covering up adverse effects of their products. We can only see it indirectly via these graphs.
The vaccine started to be used on 8th December. So let’s compare the months of November 2020 and January 2021, taking four weeks from each month:
November 2020 49,057 / 41,418 deaths => 18% increase
January 2021 72,917 / 51,158 deaths => 42% increase.
November was the month in which the second Lockdown was introduced. I’ve argued that the shock and trauma of the Lockdown generated those excess deaths. But, what could be producing the far larger increase in January? The total deaths in the four weeks of January are almost fifty percent more than those for the four weeks of November.
Somebody’s got some explaining to do.
Old people’s homes especially are noticing the extra deaths. Thus ‘Bristol Live’ reported on February 5th:
Managers and staff at a Bristol care home have described how they did everything they could to keep coronavirus out – only for it to arrive just two weeks ago. Their valiant efforts kept the virus at bay for 11 months, until a sudden outbreak in the home in the third week of January – after all the residents had been vaccinated.
Again we’re suspicious here that the vaccine is in fact causing whatever the outbreak was. Such reports are emerging all over the place, of outbreaks after the vaccination. Because Covid-19 hardly has definable symptoms, the effects that result from people taking the new, untested mRNA so-called ‘vaccine’ – which makes them permanently genetically modified – can be blamed upon it. That is especially so with the alleged ’new strain’ appearing. We’re given the baloney about it being ‘70% more infectious than its predecessor,’ to scare everyone.
Rise up, O people of England! Don’t let them do this to you.
no cases of flu recorded this winter – Independent