“There is no valid physical theory of climate able to predict what CO₂ emissions will do to the climate, if anything. That theory does not yet exist.
Glaciers are growing: around the world, 90 percent of Earth’s glacial bodies are growing.
NASA studies from 2016 show that the Antarctic is accumulating more ice every year. On average, the South Pole is gaining between 82 and 112 billion tons of ice per year.
polar bears are doing fine: there are about thirty thousand of them, with numbers NOT decreasing see“The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened,” by zoologist Susan Crockford – who has recently been sacked from her lecturing post at University of Victoria in Canada as politically incorrect.
Excellent interview with Freeman Dyson, top US scientist: 40% increase in Carbon dioxide over last 140 or so years, since records began.
“Absent any physically valid causal deduction, and … noting further that the climate is exhibiting nothing untoward, one is left with no bearing at all on how much warming, if any, additional CO₂ has produced or will produce.
There is no evidence whatever that CO₂ emissions have increased, are increasing, will increase, or even can increase, global average surface air temperature.
all the frenzy about CO₂ and climate was for nothing. All the anguished adults; all the despairing young people; all the grammar school children frightened to tears and recriminations by lessons about coming doom, and death, and destruction; all the social strife and dislocation. All the blaming, all the character assassinations, all the damaged careers, All for nothing.
There’s plenty of blame to go around, but the betrayal of science garners the most. Those offenses would not have happened had not every single scientific society neglected its duty to diligence. From the American Physical Society right through to the American Meteorological Association, they all abandoned their professional integrity, and with it their responsibility to defend and practice hard-minded science. Willful neglect? Who knows. Betrayal of science? Absolutely for sure
Climate alarmism is artful pseudo-science all the way down; made to look like science, but which is not.”
Pat Frank Watts Up With That? The world’s most viewed site on global warming and climate change
A yearly ‘alternative climate conference’ was to meet for its 13th year at a Munich hotel, but were pushed out by protesters. This is the ‘European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE), Germany’s leading private think tank on climate and energy issues,’
more sea ice than average in southern-most Arctic first week of August | polarbearscience
but NB ice coverage for the Arctic ice as a whole is marginally lower than it has been since 1979 for this time of year
During the Ice Age, CO2 levels were 10 times higher than they are today…Today’s levels of roughly 400 parts per million (PPM) of CO2 are not alarming. In geologic terms, today’s CO2 levels are among the lowest in earth’s history…2018 is the 3rd year in a row of cooling global temperatures – So far 2018 was the third year in a row that the globe has cooled off from its El Nino peak set in 2015. Teen school-striking activist Greta Thunberg has declared: “I want you to feel the fear I feel.”
New 2019 Study: Polar bears ‘thriving’ as their numbers may have ‘quadrupled’ – Attempts to silence research – In The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened, a book published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), Dr. Susan Crockford concludes that polar bears are actually thriving: “My scientific estimates make perfect sense and they tally with what the Inuit and other Arctic residents are seeing on the ground. Almost everywhere polar bears come into contact with people, they are much more common than they used to be. It’s a wonderful conservation success story.”
2018 Arctic Ice Volume Holds Steady For A Decade. “Arctic sea ice volume data show earlier projections of ice-free Arctic summers were a sham. Sea ice now steady 10 years.”