A man of integrity has stepped forward, to be Britain’s Prime minister.
This is sending shock waves througth the British Establishment. The British Zionist media have been making every effort to blacken his name – let’s quote Gilad Atzmon (17 August):
While Corbyn’s success represents a hugely popular shift within British political thinking, the orchestrated Jewish campaign against
him is there to suggest that once again, Jews set themselves against the people they dwell upon.
The vastly growing popularity of Jeremy Corbyn amongst Brits can be easily explained. Following decades of cultural Marxist, divisive Identiterian politics and Zionist-Neocon domination within the British Left, Corbyn brings along a refreshing ideological alternative. Corbyn seems to re-unite the Brits. He cares for the weak. He opposes interventionist wars. He represents the return of the good old left as opposed to New Labour’s affinity with big money, choseness and exceptionalism. He cares for the students and the youth. He thinks about the future and promises to undo the damage created by Blair and Cameron. But as Britain sees the rise of a hugely popular ideological movement, many Jewish institutions see Corbyn as an arch enemy. They would prefer to see him gone and have used nearly every trick in the book to discredit him.
In the last few days we have noticed a tidal wave of Jewish institutional opposition to Corbyn. First it was the Daily Mail that attempted to throw Zionist mud in the direction of the man who is destined to take over what is left out of the Labour party. Surprisingly, not a single British media outlet picked the Mail’s dirt for a few days. Eventually the notorious Zionist Jewish Chronicle had to take the gloves off just ahead of Sabbath and lead the battle against the emerging socialist leader.
In the weekend the Jewish Chronicle (JC) outlined its problems with Corbyn while claiming to “speak for the vast majority of British Jews… expressing deep foreboding at the prospect of Mr Corbyn’s election as Labour leader.”
Apparently, on behalf of ‘the vast majority of British Jews,’ The JC wanted to know whether it is true that Corbyn donated money to Dier Yassin Remembered (DYR), an organisation that was founded to commemorate the brutal massacre of an entire Palestinian village by right wing Jewish paramilitary fighters in 1948. I guess that the tens of thousands who joined the labour party in the last weeks just to support the first true British labour ideologist for generations were delighted to learn that their favourite candidate supported DYR and truly opposes Zionist barbarism.
Well said there! Paul Eisen who initated the yearly Dier Yassin commemoration event was specifically mentioned, as a (gasp!) Holocaust-denier, and was Jeremy really a friend of this person? Paul deeply admires Jeremy and was distraught at this turn of events, took down his blog and no-one has seen him since. Hopefully he will re-emerge shortly.
Britain’s former Prime-Minister-from-Hell Tony Bliar said: ‘Anyone whose heart tells them to vote for Jeremy Corbyn, should get a heart transplant.’
None of that prevented Jeremy from getting fifty percent more votes than all the other labour candidates put together, on that historic Saturday morning 12th September, with a quarter of a milion votes. There had been a frenzy of people joining Labour to be able to cast their pro-Jeremy vote.
More recently, papers have been digging up his comments about the 9/11 event:
* Jeremy Corbyn has claimed that 9/11 was “manipulated” to make it look like Osama Bin Laden was responsible to allow the West to go to war in Afghanistan.
* In a 2003 article for The Morning Star newspaper, Mr Corbyn wrote: “Historians will study with interest the news manipulation of the past 18 months. After September 11, the claims that bin Laden and al-Qaida had committed the atrocity were quickly and loudly made. This was turned into an attack on the Taliban and then, subtly, into regime change in Afghanistan.
* In an article for “Labour Briefing” in 1991, Mr Corbyn wrote: “We now know that the Gulf War was a curtain-raiser for the New World Order: the rich and powerful, white and western will be able to maintain the present economic order with free use of all the weapons they wish for.”
* That same year, he said in Socialist Campaign Group News: “The aim of the war machine of the United States is to maintain a world order dominated by the banks and multinational companies of Europe and North America.”
* The following year, in a piece for Labour Peace Action, Mr Corbyn said: “What is required now is a bold, democratic alternative to the New World Order. The US veto at the Earth summit in Rio…shows just who calls the shots in this New World Order and who will be asked to foot the bill.”
* Mr Corbyn has previously shared a platform with Ken O’Keefe, who has alleged that President Bush was a member of The New World Order who had orchestrated the September 11 attacks for personal gain.
* Labour leader reaffirmed his long-standing opposition to Trident and said he would vote with the 56 Nationalists at Westminster on the issue
That’ll be the day!
Some comments with ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ in a Mail article are here shown: six thousand likes for ‘Actually agree with him on this one.’ – this is the voice of the British people.