It is a matter of supreme importance for the US & NATO that the nearly-finished Nord Stream-II gas pipeline construction from Russia to Germany be derailed. Accordingly we now see a revamp of the UK’s 2018 ‘Novichok’ story. Again this deadly poison failed to kill its victim, again various other people around the victim are unaffected, again the NATO lab (in this case Germany) refuses to share its findings with Russia, even though a Russian hospital has very thoroughly analysed the blood – and found no such toxin. Again it all looks pre-planned.
Berlin insists its Bundeswehr [military] laboratory found traces of poison from the Novichok family. How come a NATO military lab is suddenly involved? The diagnosis was made by a German military doctor!
But, Russian scientists who were twenty years ago behind the ‘Novichok’ development – Leonid Rink and Vladimir Uglev – have dismissed the German claims. The two were founders of the Soviet Novichok chemical weapons programme and both worked until 1991 at the Volsk branch of the State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology in Shikhany, part of the Saratov Region.) “The symptoms are absolutely not similar,” Rink told media outlet RIA Novosti: had Novichok been used, Navalny would have had seizures, and he would have already died, instead of falling into a coma.
Had such a poisoning taken place, why would the Russian government have allowed the patient to be flown out of Russia?
Chancellor Merkel described Navalny as “the leading opposition politician in Russia.” (2 September)
Berlin has neglected bilateral cooperation mechanisms that would allow Russia to investigate the situation. Moscow claimed: ‘It seems that somebody restricts [the] German Justice Ministry, as well as [German] medical workers, from speaking to their Russian colleagues.’ We heard that before over the Skripal case.
Too late, Russia realised that it had been all pre-planned:
If the goal is to justify certain pre-planned ‘response measures’ announced earlier, it becomes clear why mouthpiece diplomacy, substitution of proper cooperation with an information campaign, public addresses to EU and NATO and mentioning of the OPCW are being used.
On August 20, a plane carrying Alexay Navalny made an emergency landing in Omsk after the blogger suddenly felt unwell on a flight from Siberia to Moscow.
Navalny was taken to hospital in a coma and was put on a ventilator., tests fail to find any trace of acetylchlorinase inhibitors but they did find dangerously low blood sugar levels.
Comment: “. Putin left [Navalny] alone more or less because he was more valuable as a joke. Like all agents of a western “intelligence” agency, he suddenly ran the risk that he was more valuable as a patsy in a coma than a non-functional (comatose) politician. “
On August 22, he was flown to Germany for treatment.
German doctors said on August 24 that they had found signs of Navalny’s intoxication with substances from the cholinesterase inhibitors group
On 2nd September the German Government issued a press release, saying ‘a special Bundeswehr laboratory carried out a toxicological test using samples from Alexej Nawalny. Thereby the unequivocal proof of a chemical nerve warfare agent of the Novitschok group was provided.’ On September 3rd the UK government echoed this, that there was ‘unequivocal proof’ that the Russian had been poisoned.
3rd September: ‘the EU strongly condemns the assassination attempt of Alexei Navalny, calls for a joint int. response & reserves the right to take appropriate actions’
German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that the EU risks becoming “irrelevant” if it did not act against Russia over Navalny’s poisoning, the ambassadors of the member states of NATO decided to convene a “special meeting” today, September 4, in Brussels.
On 14th September France backs up poison claim: ‘French President Emmanuel Macron’s office said he had expressed “deep concern over the criminal act” that targeted Navalny’
on 15th September he emerges from his coma.
17 September: EU Parliament ‘ Strongly condemns the attempted assassination of Alexei Navalny and expresses its utmost concern about the repeated use of chemical nerve agents against Russian citizens’ AND reiterates its previous position to halt the Nord Stream 2 project.
Steve Hayes: The Navalny official narrative is so absurd it can only be a loyalty test,
The Crackpot Tale with its Loony Logic
Alexei Navalny has never held any elected office, his political party doesn’t have a single MP in the Duma, and he polls at roughly 2% support with the Russian people.
Despite this, and in the middle of an alleged “pandemic”, Vladimir Putin deems the man a threat and orders him killed.
The State apparatus responsible for unnecessary and seemingly arbitrary acts of political murder decide to use novichok to poison him.
This decision is taken in spite of the facts that a) Novichok totally and utterly failed to work in their alleged murder of the Skripals and b) It has already been widely publicly associated with Russia.
Rather unsurprisingly, the novichok which didn’t kill its alleged target last time, doesn’t kill its alleged target this time either.
Compounding their poor decision making, the Russians not only perform an emergency landing and take Navalny straight to a hospital for medical care.
Despite Navalny being helpless and comatose in a Russian hospital, the powerful state-backed assassination team make no further attempts on his life.
In fact, seemingly determined to under no circumstances successfully kill their intended victim, the Russian government, allow him to leave the country and get medical help from one of the countries which previously accused them of using novichok.
To absolutely no one’s surprise, the Germans claim to have detected novichok in Navalny’s system.
Vladimir Putin and the Russian government are immediately blamed for the attempted murder.
Trump Demurs on Blaming Russia 4 Sept. NY Times –
President Trump on Thursday reiterated his desire to “get along” with Moscow despite an international uproar over the poisoning of the Russian dissident Aleksei A. Navalny with a deadly nerve agent, saying that when the subject of Russia appears on the news, he turns it off…Instead, he boasted that he had kept the United States “out of wars,” and he pointed to his persistent efforts to thaw relations between Washington and Moscow. “It’s good that I get along,” Mr. Trump said. “If I get along with Russia, is that a good thing or bad thing? I think it’s a good thing.”
Elusive Partner of Alexey Navalny – with British passport?
the woman identified by Russian authorities as ‘Marina Pevchikh.’ – ‘It is reported that her father is the head of two biological laboratories (think about it). She accompanied Navalny very closely during his stay in Siberia and even spent the nights in his hotel room (!). She also has tight connections to the Russian oligarch Khodorkovsky, who lives in the UK and is Putin’s enemy, and to Vladimir Ashurkov, who is the head of Navalny’s bureau against corruption and has quarrels with Navalny because of financial irregularities.’ (RT blog comment).
German officials refused to comment upon this close associate of Navalny -The associate of the Kremlin critic was reportedly together with Navalny in Tomsk before his alleged poisoning. Unlike all other individuals who interacted with him on that day, she did not cooperate with Russian investigators and quickly left the country for Germany
have also failed to explain how a Russian citizen managed to obtain a permit for entering the country so fast, especially with Covid-19 restrictions supposedly in place.. Still, little is actually known about Pevchikh, who is believed to hold a UK residence permit – or even citizenship. Moreover, only a few photos of her exist, despite her close association and repeated trips alongside Navalny, who is a very public figure.
See my two comments on
Russia Asks ….
In recent weeks we have been witnessing a rapidly growing information campaign in the EU – both in official circles and media – over an incident which occurred with a Russian political activist and blogger Alexey Navalny on 20 August 2020. Not claiming to be experts in toxicology, we still consider it necessary to draw your attention to multiple inconsistencies regarding this case. In the light of forthcoming debate in the European Parliament we call on EU officials and MEPs to look into a number of following questions.
· Would there be any rationale behind the Russian authorities’ alleged decision to poison Alexey Navalny with the use of a military-grade chemical nerve agent of the “Novichok” group, which falls under CWC ban, in a Russian city with half a million population and then to do their utmost to save his life and let him go for further medical treatment to Germany, where “Novichok” could be identified?
· What would be the reason for the Russian authorities to poison Alexey Navalny, taking into account that his actual popularity level hardly reaches 2%, according to the recent survey conducted in July 2020 by Levada Centre, an independent, nongovernmental polling and sociological research organization?
· Why is the German government so reluctant to provide Russian competent authorities with the results of toxicological analysis carried out by a specialized laboratory of the German armed forces or to make them public, if Berlin is confident that Mr.Navalny was poisoned? The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation submitted to German authorities an official request for legal assistance on 27 August 2020. Berlin has not been however willing to respond to the request in a prompt and constructive manner, first dragging its feet only to declare later that no evidence would be provided due to confidentiality and ultimately declaring the whole case secret?
· At the same time we have been constantly hearing that it is essential for the Russian Government to investigate thoroughly and in a transparent manner the assassination attempt of Mr.Navalny. It is stated that all evidence and witnesses are to be found “somewhere in Siberia”. Was it a coincidence that at the same time some of the persons who accompanied Mr.Navalny on his trip to Siberia promptly left Russia for Germany right after the incident?
· Why do the German doctors from the Charite Hospital shy away from professional dialogue with the Russian colleagues in spite of evident inconsistencies in Mr.Navalny’s symptoms, toxicological analysis and diagnosis? The German Federal Chamber of Medicine rejected the proposal of Russian counterparts to set up a joint group to conduct a medical examination in Mr.Navalny’s case.
· Why is it declared that a military-grade chemical nerve agent of the “Novichok” group was developed by the Soviet Union and later Russia, neglecting that for a number of years specialists from Western states and relevant NATO centres have been developing chemical substances related to the “Novichok” group? For example, the US has issued more than 150 patents for combat use of the mentioned chemical substances.
· Why was Mr.Navalny upon his arrival to Berlin escorted to the Charite Hospital by police and special service agents? Why were extraordinary security measures taken and the hospital itself was turned into a high-security facility well before the “discovery” of “Novichok”? Does it mean that Berlin knew something that neither Moscow nor Omsk were aware of? It is worth noting that more than 60 biochemical tests were conducted in the Omsk Hospital, none showing any sign of poisoning.
· What is behind the story of the “bottle of water”, ostensibly with traces of poison on it? No CCTV or photo evidence shows Mr.Navalny using it before departure at Tomsk airport. If used before that or aboard the Moscow-bound plane, how did it get to Berlin?
· Why not a single specialist in toxicology, civilian or military, nor any Charite doctor at all has produced a qualified statement on the case (as Russian doctors did)?
Claims that whatever evidence may be transmitted to Russia only with the patient’s consent are not compatible with numerous political-level statements made in Germany while he was still comatose
No wait, here’s some more sensible comment: “As the main proponents of the Great Global Warming Hoax, Germans have banned nuclear power and coal. That leaves gas, unless they plan on using firewood to power their homes. Mickey Mouse windmills can be ruled out.
Trump and the Neocons and the Big Oil Mafia have been trying to strong arm the Germans into buying their fracked “freedom gas” LNG at double the price they can get it from Russia. Like they’re trying to force them into buying more and more grossly overpriced US weapons that don’t work. The Germans told them to stick their LNG where the sun don’t shine.
Cue another bargain basement, third rate Skripal type Hoax to activate their Fifth Column in Germany. The bought and paid for quisling politicians bribed, threatened, blackmailed and suborned to act as Washington’s paid shills. All demanding the cancellation of Nordstream regardless of the cost to German industry and the effect on the German consumer. (by ‘Paul’)
Or as ever Craig Murray – now IMO Britain’s top intellectual:
Next we are supposed to believe that Putin, having poisoned Navalny with novichok, allowed him to be flown to Germany to be saved, making it certain the novichok would be discovered. And that Putin did this because he was worried Merkel was angry, not realising she might be still more angry when she discovered Putin had poisoned him with novichok
There are a whole stream of utterly unbelievable points there, every single one of which you have to believe to go along with the western narrative. Personally I do not buy a single one of them, but then I am a notorious Russophile traitor.
Well “novichok” must be the least effective assassination tool ever! as with the Skripal story this has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with maintaining the West’s anti-Russia narrative.
We’ve had the Age of Reason; welcome to the Age of Absurdity.
Germany “believes” it was
a) Novichok
b) Russia
The UK said it was “highly likely” that the Salisbury incident was
a) Novichok
b) Russia
Marina Pevchikh is a very secretive character but her father Konstanin Pevchikh is the head and founder of several biological labs.
Russian police statement: ““Pevchikh, one of [the people] who were with Navalny, [who] resides permanently in Great Britain, avoided making a statement on August 20. According to the investigation, on August 22, the citizen in question flew to Germany, as a result it wasn’t possible to get a statement from her. Her whereabouts are currently being established,” transit police officials said in a statement”
On Sepotember 7th, said Pevchikh was “likely Navalny’s poisoner,” claiming that she stayed in the same hotel room as him, but wasn’t with him on the plane from Tomsk to Moscow; instead, she drove to Novosibirsk and then flew from there to Omsk. In addition, called Pevchikh “a woman with an opaque life story and very interesting facts in her biography.”
According to Meduza’s research, Maria Pevchikh studied sociology at Moscow State University and political science at the London School of Economics, concurrently. She has worked for the FBK since 2011, and now leads the foundation’s research department. Pevchikh lives in London, but she travels to Russia often. Her job includes gathering materials and writing scripts for the FBK’s investigations (FBK – an anti-corruption foundation)
Sept 7th: he is receiving treatment for poisoning from an organophosphate (OP) nerve agent from the “Novichok” group. , “Meduza” has discovered that the doctors who treated Navalny in Omsk immediately suspected that his symptoms were from nerve agent poisoning — but establishing a diagnosis was made difficult because his range of symptoms was not fully consistent with the effects of organophosphate poisoning (some symptoms seemed to be missing, while others were atypical). Chemical weapons experts who spoke with Meduza believe that poisoning from Novichok-type nerve agents may well have blurred the clinical picture.
Alexander Sabaev, who treated the opposition figure in Russia from August 20–22, spoke out about the diagnosis. Sabaev — who is not only a doctor (the head of the acute poisoning department at Omsk’s Emergency Hospital Number One), but also a public official (the Omsk Region’s chief toxicologist) — said, “This isn’t ‘Novichok,’ unequivocally, it isn’t an organophosphorus compound, it’s not poisoning at all. This is an illness. It’s a metabolic syndrome. This is a metabolic coma, which happened as a result of a metabolic disorder, it progressed rapidly.” Ever since the doctors treating Navalny at the Charité Hospital in Berlin announced that he was poisoned with a cholinesterase inhibitor, Sabaev has been consistently denying their reports.
After the Charité Hospital released its first confirmation that Navalny’ was poisoned, Sabaev reacted immediately, stating that when he was admitted to hospital in Omsk the doctors didn’t observe a clinical picture characteristic of poisoning with this type of substance.
But that’s not really the case. Two sources directly involved in the consultations among doctors in Omsk told Meduza that the patient showed a “clear picture of OP [organophosphate] poisoning” — but they also observed atypical symptoms. A Meduza source familiar with the results of Navalny’s examination also confirmed these claims.
Navalny showed signs like narrowed pupils (miosis), hypersalivation, sweats, and muscle twitching (hypertonia), which are all typical of organophosphate poisoning. At the same time, the consulting physicians didn’t observe any signs of bronchospasms or excessive discharge from the lungs (bronchorrhea); and Navalny didn’t have any gastrointestinal problems, like vomiting or diarrhea, while in intensive care.
Navalny’s atypical symptoms included ketoacidosis — a condition typically caused by low insulin, for example, due to diabetes. Two sources involved in Navalny’s medical consultations told Meduza about this; as did Navalny’s doctor Anastasia Vasileva (the head of the independent medical workers’ union Doctors’ Alliance), who cited information provided by the opposition figure’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya. According to one source involved in the consultations, this made it possible to assume that Navalny’s experienced a drastic sugar spike while on the plane.
since Navalny had clear signs of OP poisoning, the doctors in Omsk injected him with atropine — an antidote for certain types of nerve agent and pesticide poisonings. He received the first dose while still in the ambulance, a source familiar with Navalny’s medical examinations says. The source suggests the first dose of atropine could have relieved any lung and gastrointestinal symptoms, which Navalny might have experienced on the plane.
Doctors continued treatment with atropine once Navalny was in intensive care, but stopped after several doses because Navalny developed severe tachycardia (increased heart rate), a source involved in the consultations told Meduza.
Evidence in Xander hotel Maria Pevihikh, who leads the investigative department of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation (the FBK). She accompanied Navalny on his trip to Siberia and was with him in Tomsk. Bottles found.
Moscow asks: “Was it a coincidence that at the same time some of the persons who accompanied Mr. Navalny on his trip to Siberia promptly left Russia for Germany right after the incident?”
The Russian medics concluded that Navalny may have become ill from a metabolic disorder, such as extremely low blood sugar. The Russian doctors who treated Navalny, and possibly saved his life by their quick intervention, said they detected the presence of cholinesterase inhibitors which affect the nervous system, but such substances can be caused by a wide range of clinical pharmaceuticals, including those used for the treatment of diabetes which Navalny reportedly suffers traces of toxins. Specifically no traces of organophosphate nerve agents.