Jim Fetzer and Mike Palachek co-edited the Banned-by-Amazon book, ‘Nobody died at Sandy Hook.’

Dave Gahary is the main publisher of moon Rock Books, along with Jim.

Sandy Hook father Lenny Posner objected to the book’s claim that (((he))) did not really lose ‘his’ child.

 See my chapter Here

  also Here.   

The book is  available as a free download 

        Figure: Father and Son?

The CBS new reported:

“The father of a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre has won a defamation lawsuit against the authors of a book that claimed the shooting never happened — the latest victory for victims’ relatives who have been taking a more aggressive stance against conspiracy theorists.

Pozner is the lead plaintiff in several of at least nine cases filed against Sandy Hook deniers in federal and state courts in Connecticut, Florida, Texas and Wisconsin.

A redacted copy of the actual death certificate is attached to Pozner’s lawsuit. Additionally, Pozner has had DNA samples taken and compared with those provided by the Connecticut medical examiner to prove that Noah was his son. He has put Noah’s birth certificate, report cards and medical records into the public file in his legal actions.

“If Mr. Fetzer wants to believe that Sandy Hook never happened and that we are all crisis actors, even that my son never existed, he has the right to be wrong. But he doesn’t have the right to broadcast those beliefs if they defame me or harass me,” Pozner said. “He doesn’t have the right to use my baby’s image or our name as a marketing ploy to raise donations or sell his products. He doesn’t have the right to convince others to hunt my family.””

Before the case went to a judge, Fetzer had said “evidence clearly shows this wasn’t a massacre, it was a FEMA drill.”

Moon Rock Books publisher Gahary SUPPORTED the parent:

“My face-to-face interactions with Mr. Pozner have led me to believe that Mr. Pozner is telling the truth about the death of his son,” Dave Gahary, the principal officer at publisher Moon Rock Books, said Monday. “I extend my most heartfelt and sincere apology to the Pozner family.”” 

that gave CBS its headline, ‘”Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” publisher apologizes to dad of murdered boy.’ I would surmise that is the end of Moon Rock books.

Mike Palecek, We Seek The Truth

Monday’s ruling in Wisconsin against Jim Fetzer and me was a substantial blow. We are still reeling.

We ask for an attorney to come forward to represent us.

Our book Nobody Died At Sandy Hook has now been banned for the second time.

Jim and I are each facing one million dollars in damages.

… However, it is true, there are vast lies being perpetrated upon the American people.

We are trying to fight for the truth, for the people. Because this is important.

It is everything you have been taught to laugh at — “conspiracy theorists”

— a term introduced by the CIA in the ‘60s to cover up the JFK murder.

The government has been lying for years, decades.

The government and media. By now we should be able to look at these events with a critical eye.

And we should be allowed to question.

The American people are the victims in this, of not knowing their real history.

It is The American Tragedy.

We don’t know exactly how the different players are involved.

The investigation would certainly profit from the work of someone with more resources available to them.

We believe a knowledge of the facts and anomalies surrounding the case

would lead any person to question whether anybody could have died at Sandy Hook.





