MP Jo Cox may have died, one week before the big Euro-vote. Despite several months of massive and unrelenting propaganda telling us to stay in, a big Brexit majority had developed: Quote ‘Another poll gives Brexit a six-point lead‘ – that was on June 16th.  That majority was apparently wiped out by this event, and a poll on the 19th showed both sides as equal.

The birthday of Jo Cox is 22nd June, one day before the vote – which will enable a re-telling of the story on the day before.

Has anyone seen an image of the dead body of Jo Cox, or any blood on the road where it happened? We do at least see ambulances on the scene, which is something.


If she was ‘knifed seven times and shot three times’, one might expect to see a spot of blood somewhere… no?

We are told she was ‘airlifted’ to the Leeds hospital – one might expect to see some photographs of the dramatic scene of a body on a stretcher being lifted into a helicopter, taken maybe by those who had gathered for meeting their MP? But, there is nothing.

On the day of the event, the Mirror online reported only that she had been ‘critically injured.’ It reported an eyewitnes, that after the event, a suspect had been seen ‘hiding in a cemetry.’ There was a big pool of blood on the pavement.

Thomas Mair is said to have first kicked her, then wrestled her to the ground, then stabbed her repeatedly with a  knife, then shot her repeatedly with a gun.

If no blood can be seen on the pavement, I’m afraid it means this story is bogus.

Thus, he ‘kicked mother-of-two before shooting and repeatedly stabbing her.’ Has one ever heard of such a thing?

All the papers reported how: ‘He was stabbing her with a foot-long knife multiple times while shouting ‘Britain first, Britain first, Britain first’.

Then later on this was withdrawn: no actually he had not said that.

What kind of guy was Mr Mair?

a quiet and caring loner. His half brother, who is mixed race, claimed he had been volunteering at a school for children with disabilities for several years and had never expressed any racist views. Duane St Louis, 41, described his brother as a devoted son who shopped for their mother twice a week and who had visited her on Wednesday night to help tune her TV.

He would give locals gardening tips as he strolled down the road to use the library computer. His brother

 said he couldn’t believe the news. “I was watching Sky News and I recognised him in handcuffs on the ground,” he said. “It felt like a dream. I just couldn’t believe he’d do something like that.Friends said Mair had never shown any interest in politics or the EU referendum.

Did he really do it?

We’re told that Ms Cox had been ‘subjected to barrage of hate mail three months prior to her death’ showing how wicked the Brexit people are. Her husband tweeted that people should ‘fight against the hatred that killed her.’

I’m having trouble believing any of this.

Her husband came out with the message ‘She would have wanted two things above all else to happen now, one that our precious children are bathed in love and two, that we all unite to fight against the hatred that killed her. Hate doesn’t have a creed, race or religion, it is poisonous.’ Uh-huh.

I take this as promoting ‘anti-hate’ legislation, in the pipeline.

The date was 16/6/16 – i.e., the 666 number is being used.

Jo Cox supported the right of companies to boycott Israel so you-know -who could have wanted her out of the way.

Avaaz (the Jewish-Rockefeller- George Soros lobby group) sent me this fake-emotion horseshit right after the event:

Jo was passionately campaigning for Britain to stay in Europe. Not just because it is smart, or advantageous. But because she spent her life caring for Syrians, and Africans. She was a beautiful light of love for all people, for humanity. The man who took her life, stabbing her and shooting her over and over, screamed “Britain First”. Somehow it’s not surprising, in an awful way, that her life would be taken by that kind of hate, that kind of selfishness. Because it was to fighting that darkness that she devoted her time on this earth.

by some unnamed person who claims to have known her.

Aamir Tahir, of the Dry Clean Centre, was reported as the source of the story, that the gunman was heard shouting ‘Britain first’.”  But Mr Tahir has put a note on his shop window: “NO-ONE shouted Britain first at ANY TIME.” Who wanted to create this fictional story?

A memorial service came one day after the event on the 17th, with Cameron and Corbyn in dark suits – isn’t that rather sudden? Then a pre-trial hearing of Mr Mair at Westminster Magistrates Court begins on Saturday 18th – could lawyers really get their files together for this in one day, and why was it held in London, not up north in Leeds? But never mind, the nutter gave his name as “death to traitors, freedom for Britain” in the courtroom. Then on 19th comes the recall of Parliament – which has never happened before for the murder of a backbencher.JoCoxFuneral

This psy-op has successfully derailed the Brexit vote, as front pages are flooded with propaganda of white supremacist = closet Nazi = hateful Brexit supporters = bad little-Englander.


Initial Eyewitness Reports – 16th June

A police spokesman said officers were called at 12.53 today to Market Street, Birstall, “where a woman in her 40s had suffered serious injuries and is in a critical condition.”

Clarke Rothwell, who runs a nearby cafe, told the BBC that ‘there was blood everywhere on the scene.’ Mr Abdallah, 56, was in that cafe ‘when he heard screaming’ and went outside, and saw three people: a brave bystander, a man in a white cap who brandished a ‘home-made looking’ gun, and Ms Cox ‘lying on the floor’ (on the pavement?) being kicked and stabbed. Then ‘I came and saw her bleeding on the floor.’ (pavement?) He saw the guy with white cap kicking her and pulling her hair. The court hearing on Saturday the 18th heard how Bernard Kenny, 77, went to Ms Cox’s aid – that has to be the unnamed ‘bystander.’

None of this sounds very credible.JoCoxLibrary

 Here is the library outside which the event allegedly took place. The Mirror’s caption was “Birstall library where it is thought Labour MP Jo Cox was shot today.” This translates as: “It was supposed to have happened here, but we can see no sign of any blood or bullet-holes” – i.e., nothing happened.

Notice the large windows – had she been arriving for her surgery, some of her constituent voters would have been waiting in there for her, and would have seen everything, and would have started screaming loudly once a gun went off. But we hear nothing from them.

Blood on a Black Hat?

So, we have a stabbed 77-year-old hero (under police watch) and the killer casually strolls off with a shotgun, knife and baseball cap?

The police catch him, and he’s the one because of blood on his  cap – a BLACK baseball cap:

Mair was arrested at 1.25pm in Risedale Avenue, about a mile from the scene, by two officers who saw a white man wearing a black blood-smeared baseball cap and carrying a black holdall. They tackled him to the ground, and as he was detained he was heard to say, “I’m a political activist” … Searching his trouser pockets, officers instead found a plastic bag containing what appeared to be a large number of bullets. They also found a single-barrel firearm in the bag, as well as a magazine and a number of rounds. There was also a bloodstained mobile phone, a blood-stained dagger …


         Figure: Gentle and mild-mannered gardener – or crazed, lone-nut killer?

But such theatre stage-props – a blood-stained dagger – one mile away will not do. There has to be blood on the pavement, and it has to be in front of the public library. If its not there, it didn’t happen.

It gets worse. West Yorkshire Police have put out a statement about the event, which said Ms Cox got out of her car with two other persons. The car stopped ‘outside the Library on Market Street.’ The three of them were going to the library when the assault happened. The national media did not report this – that Thomas Mair attacked Ms Cox with two other men beside her. They only reported that a ‘bystander’ joined in and attempted to defend her. So three men were right there able to defend her – despite which the fragile-looking Mr Mair was able to stab her, shoot her and walk away with his knife and gun? This is baloney!

Chronology for Sabotage of Brexit vote

MP  Jo Cox ‘death’                                          16/6/16 = 666

Jo Cox memorial service                                 17/6/16

trial of ‘lone nut’ killer in London Court        18/6/16

Parliament recalled                                        20/6/16

Summer Solstice                                             20/6/16

MP  Jo Cox birthday                                        22/6/16

Euro Vote                                                         23/6/16


Shades of Lee Rigby! We have no images whatever of her around the alleged death scene – all we know is, she’s not around any more.

She was an advisor to the Bill Gates Foundation, also she chaired the all-party Parliamentary Committee on Syria. Her husband Brendon is prominent in the Remain campaign, and is an advisor to former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. He has set up a charity in her name and much of the cash will go to the White Helmets . (“White Helmets‘ primary function is propaganda. White Helmets demonizes the Assad government and encourages direct foreign intervention.”)

The Summer Solstice should be a happy time of fairs and carnivals, but instead its being imprinted with fear and horror, just as happened earlier this year with the Spring Equinox. We sense the Hidden Hand at work.

Fake Grief from Family

Two hours after the event, her husband tweeted a picture of her looking perfectly OK by their barge – which some have felt was extremely strange:JoCoxBarge

 Have a look at these images of Jo Cox’s family, at the memorial service one day after, on the 17th. Note especially her sister, who has supposedly just come from identifying the mangled body: here and here. They keep smiling! Those have to be actors – under enormous stress, but they are not succeeding in expressing any fake grief.


 Impossible Narrative comes from US

On the day of the event, 16th June, the ‘Hatewatch staff’ (i.e., Jews) of the Southern Poverty Law Centre posted up a story, of how they discovered that Thomas Mair had purchased books from the Vanguard Alliance, the imprint of the ‘National Alliance,’ in America. That happened in 1999, seventeen years ago. It was some instructions on how to make explosives and how to make a gun. We recall the narrative given, that Mair had a home-made looking handgun. Clearly, this has to be a pre-prepared narrative put up far too soon.

Markets Recover

 See how the financial markets started to recover after Jo Cox’s ‘death’!  (The first recovery comes after England winning a football match) Markets recover, once the threat of Brexit recedes.


 22nd June: the birthday of Jo Cox is honoured at events in London, Beirut, Brussels, Melbourne, Nairobi, New York, and Washington DC

A Bernard Kenny/Kenny Bernard puzzle

The 77 year old Bernard Kenny tried to rescue Ms Cox from the killer. It seems that they both had the same birthday of 22 June, one day before the referendum. So the ‘mystic’ numbers 77 and 22 are feeding into this story. He was stabbed in the stomach by a one-foot long knife – no-one appears to have seen this – and a petition with over 6,000 signatures is calling for him to be awarded the George Cross.

A Kenny Bernard died  on January 21, 2013 – as reported in the online Yorkshire Evening Post later that week. I checked out both the Yorkshire Post and the Yorkshire Evening Post as published and found no such orbituary – there was nothing in the Tuesday 29 January 2013 edition as alleged, the only reference was a letter from him of November 2013 in the Yorkshire Post, reminiscing about how he used to work in a coal-mine in Dewsbury, and it was sent from Batley road, Birstall – SO IT SEEMS that the orbituary was only in the online edition of the paper not the printed edition. That seems odd but I guess its feasible.

Summarising, the Jo Cox murder witness, Bernard Carter Kenny and wife Doreen lived in Bistall with sons Philip & Mark. During 2002-7 he was living at Oldfield Lane, Leeds with his wife Doreen and both are on the electoral register for 2106 (source: His birth certificate has been obtained by M.G. from the GRO, and confirms that he was born on 22 June, 1938. (it was only registered a month later)

These are not the same couple as the Kenny Bernard with wife Doreen who died in January 2013. He had the daughter Helen and he is quoted in the obituary as “late of Oldfield Lane, Lower Wortley.”

Friends of Mair family said she thought Mair had gone to help Jo Cox – that sounds more like whatmight have happened.

 Interviews with me by Morris108       and with Richie Allen

Intrerview with witness Hichem Ben-Abdallah: he owned a cafe nearby, and heard screams and people running. Then he heard two shots of a gun, and saw a woman sitting on the pavement ‘with her knees up, leaning on her hand, and her head was tilted back full of blood.’. He knew Jo Cox well but did not recognise her here. The attacker – ‘He looked like a guy who had had some training, ..military training, …very agile.’
















