Richie Allen tackles the Holocaust! He treated me quite well – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8ONLVse5pg
In Ireland, anniversary of Holocaust Hoax day: https://twitter.com/
Discussion on whether Paul McCartney was replaced:
https://soundcloud.com/mark-devlin/good-vibrations-vol-77-nick-kollerstrom-toby-imalamute-re-pid Mark Devlin debate
– That I believe is the only British debate there has ever been on the subject, on the 50-year anniversary of the Replacement.
Good Vibrations podcast, Vol. 77: Nick Kollerstrom/ Toby Malamute/ Paul Is Dead
A 3-Hour debate with Deanna Spingola on her radio show:
http://spingolaspeaks.net/2016/01/30/dr-nicholas-kollerstrom-3/ http://spingolaspeaks.net/
And I wasn’t even told in advance what the subject was! It was generally about the Holocaust. She’s a very learned lady. Tell me whether I made sense, or post a comment, if you think I went wrong.
Debate with Jim Fetzer: Star-wars and 9/11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Is Paul McCartney Dead? http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.co.
– Talk at an Oxford bookshop, my pal Ben recorded it (NB, nobody in the audience believed me, that was a bit of a shock!)
My latest talk was ‘How Britain Initiated both World Wars’ its a two-hour presentation, quite a heavy number. I’m happy to give it to any group that’s interested. There is a bit of it here http://outersite.org/Photos/WW
Meanwhile, get one of the controversial new Moon Rock Books http://moonrockbooks.com/ (the Sandy Hook one was banned by Amazon) I have stuff in each of them.
Or get the new Kevin Barrett book ‘Another French False Flag – from Paris to San Bernardino? My chapter in it is: ‘Paris Again hit by Fictional Terror’ about the Bataclan event.
Windows on the world, Brussels me & Jim Fetzer – http://windowsontheworld.net/video_type/brussels-bombings-false-flag/
Brussels- The Real Deal – me and Ole! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjGbb0Gy_8w&feature=youtu.be