‘Malaysian tribunal finds Israel guilty of genocide, three Malaysian planes fall from the sky”
– Kevin Barrett. Priceless, only Kevin can do headlines like that.
Then –
AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes dumped 944,800 shares 1 Day Before Flight Disappeared
The story may remind us of the unusual market activity in airline stock that preceded the 9/11 terror attacks. An “extraordinary” amount of ‘put options’ – speculation that a stock price will fall – were placed on United and American Airlines in the days leading up to 9/11.
The ‘Black Hand’ at work – Chinese Source
“Do not become another victim of MH370,” warned the [Chinese] individual in a December 15 post, adding that AirAsia was about to be targeted by “powerful” forces which he referred to as the “black hand”.
“This is a life-saving message to Europe or the US tour, do not take AirAsia (or) Malaysia Airlines airliner,” states the translated version of one of the posts.
The user went on to assert that the “black hand” was out to “ruin AirAsia,” Malaysia’s second largest airline company. Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 went missing in March earlier this year, while MH17 was shot down over Ukraine in July.
The individual repeated his warning in subsequent posts made on the 16th and 17th of December, writing, “This is a major event in human life, we have to pay attention,” adding, “far from AirAsia, Malaysia Airlines away, cherish life.”
“In view of the Black Hand forces too powerful, too vicious heart, suggested that the Chinese passenger travel, away from AirAsia, do not become a victim of another MH370.”
The report on this urgent warning in the Epoch Times told how a mysterious user of a Chinese social media network predicted the disappearance on AirAsia Flight QZ8501 almost two weeks before the plane went missing, urgently warning Chinese nationals not to use the airliner in dozens of posts.(Source: Prison planet). Half a million viewed his 39 posts – and maybe in conseqence, not a single Chinese was on board, amongst its 162 passengers. (see video of warnings here)
Threee Malysian airlines mysteriously vanish or crash within a year.
Landed on the ocean floor?
‘We currently suspect that the plane is on the bottom of the ocean floor.’ Sonar imaging has established the presence of an object 100-165 feet (30-50 metres) under water, in the shallow waters of the Java sea, believed to be the plane. Bodies have been found, but no black boxes have as yet been recovered.
The jet was flying at the regular cruising altitude for most jetliners – 32,000 feet – when the signal was lost, according to flight tracking website Flightradar24. No distress reports came from the plane, officials said.
It vanished in the quiet Christmas period, on Sunday morning of 28th of December.
Electronic Flight Overrides Manual Pilot Control
THIS PLANE DID NOT CRASH: even had the plane broken up in a storm, the Emergency Locator Transmission would have transmitted the wreck position.The plane’s ELT should have functioned automatically and sent warning signals – but no signal has been detected by control centers in Indonesia or in neighboring countries
The AirAsia flight was on an Airbus 320-200 and that has so-called fly-by-wire, meaning that it had an electronic flight control system able to override the manual controls of the pilot. The Airbus 320 was the first aircraft to be equipped with such a system.
You can watch the radar screen here for the exact moment when the airAsia flight vanished, on its way from Indonesia to Singapore. Comparing with the Malaysia Airlines fight 370, which vanished back in March:
* both planes disappeared while flying over the Java Sea,
* both lost contact with air traffic control, and
* both had well over a hundred people onboard.
Fake bodies used?
At this early stage, there is talk about dummy bodies being used, found floating on the sea – see video here. Maybe listen to Morris 108. – and we naturally compare this with the MH 17 shootdown where there were a lot of reports of fake bodies.